I see. But would it be better to name the next age in line with the vision for it; rather than base it on a known projection? Not exactly re-invent the wheel, but give it wings, capture peoples imagination with it. Having said that, I assume it suits the story so ignore what is not useful.
Why is the next age Iron?
Because the current writers of Hollywood and comic books are from the stone age! 😆
I see. But would it be better to name the next age in line with the vision for it; rather than base it on a known projection? Not exactly re-invent the wheel, but give it wings, capture peoples imagination with it. Having said that, I assume it suits the story so ignore what is not useful.
I didn't coin the term, it's a current movement going on that I'm just a small part of.
No worries, I was just curious. I’ll check it out.